
Sunday, April 25, 2010

What is Extended Study (ES)? What is the purpose of ES? Why should I go to ES?

What is Extended Study (ES)? Extended Study or also known, as ES is like open lab for those whom have taken other laboratory biology courses previously. For those whom haven’t than ES is where students can go to the lab and review the lab material covered in the your lab section. 
What is the purpose of ES? ES is a place where you can go and study the lab material that was covered in your lab section. The advantage to ES over other open labs is that we have ES assistants that know the material and are there to answer any questions you may have. ES is also a place where all of the models used on your lab sections are available.
Why should I go to ES? Well, this is my opinion and all based on what I have observed through the 7 semesters I have taught at the Human Anatomy Lab. I think that you should go to ES because it is a great resource to utilize.  I have seen through out the semesters that students that go to ES tend to do a letter grade better on test and overall lab grade. Versus those whom do not go or just go prior to your lab test. As I stated above ES is a great place to study the materials that were taught in lab, this includes models, cadavers, and real organs.  So hope to see you guys in ES a lot more.
Until my next post if you need any help feel free to contact me at Also I will be posting a poll every week. In this poll I will have sample questions that you might see on the test. I recommend that you visit and answer the poll and at the end of the polling time I will reveal the answer to you guys. Have a Great Day!!!!

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